Timesheet Conversion Calculator + Decimal Chart

Use our calculator or chart to instantly convert hours and minutes to decimal hours to speed up your timesheet process.

Time Converter

By using this calculator, you agree to the terms of use described in the FAQ section below.

How It Works

Enter Time

Input your hours and minutes or decimal hours

Instant Conversion

See the conversion happen in real-time as you type

Calculate Pay

Expand the Calculate Payment accordion and enter your hourly rate

Minutes to Decimal Hours Conversion Chart

Use this chart to quickly convert minutes to decimal hours. For example, 30 minutes equals 0.50 decimal hours.


You might be wondering

Where are decimal hours most commonly used?

Decimal hours are widely used in timesheet systems, payroll processing, and project management. Many businesses prefer decimal time for easier calculations and reporting.

For example: 1 hour and 30 minutes becomes 1.5 hours, making it simpler to calculate labor costs and billing.

How do employers handle time rounding?

Employers often round time entries to simplify payroll calculations. Common rounding methods include:

  • Quarter-hour rounding (15-minute intervals): Time is rounded to the nearest 0.25 hours
  • Tenth-hour rounding: Time is rounded to the nearest 0.1 hours

For example, 7 minutes might round down to 0 while 8 minutes rounds up to 0.25 hours in quarter-hour rounding.

How do I calculate pay using decimal hours?

To calculate pay using decimal hours:

  1. Convert your time worked to decimal hours
  2. Expand the "Calculate Payment" accordion below and enter your hourly rate

The calculator will automatically multiply your decimal hours by your hourly rate to show your total pay.

Terms of Use

This timesheet conversion calculator is provided for informational and educational purposes only. The time and payment calculations are estimates and should not be relied upon for exact timesheet entries or financial decisions.

By using this timesheet converter, you agree that we are not liable for any damages or losses arising from its use.

Track Time Automatically in Slack

Skip manual timesheet conversions. Use our Slack time tracking app to automatically track and calculate your hours in decimal format. Perfect for teams who need accurate time tracking without the hassle.

You Without Billable Ninja

  • Employees submit timesheets late or not at all
  • Struggling with accurate billable hours tracking
  • No visibility into project profitability
  • Need to switch between multiple apps and platforms

You With Billable Ninja

  • Automated timesheet reminders
  • Clear insights into billable vs. non-billable time
  • Real-time project budget tracking
  • Everything integrated directly in Slack - no external apps needed